Outdoor meeting at Grand Haven Creekside
Steve Davidson started the meeting at 2:00 PM.
There were 26 member in attendance.
Items discussed during the meeting:
Steve began the meeting by reviewing an email he wrote in 2006 announcing the formation of the Grand Haven CERT organization. That was fifteen years ago.
The group discussed the latest information concerning the COVID-19 virus. Several members shared their experience in registering and receiving the Moderna vaccine. Members are encouraged to continue efforts to schedule appointments. The virus is still spreading.
Flagler Volunteer Services is asking for volunteers. If you have any questions. Please email Judy Mazzella -
judy@flaglervolunteer.org or Suzy Gamblain -
suzy@flaglervolunteer.org or call (386) 597-2950. The immediate need is for volunteers for traffic control and clerical documentation.
Several people were first time attendees and others expressed a desire to join the group. Mike Wright provided several individuals with applications.
The group discussed the list of items in the standard Cert backpacks. They were referred to the organization website to review equipment lists, first aid items and pocket cards for use in the field. The link to information is on the
Field Operations page of the Grand Haven CERT website.
The group was encouraged to review:
The group participated in a discussion of broadcast frequencies and duplex and simplex radio equipment.
The main frequencies discussed:
Channel Frequency Location Priority
21 462.700 * Daytona State Collage Primary
20 462.675 Water Tower, Palm Coast Secondary
16 462.575 Grand Haven Community Center Out of Operation
* Flagler County Assist REACT
The license required to operate a GMRS radio costs $85.00. It can be acquired online from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The license is good for five years and covers your entire family. GMRS is an easy-to-use radio system. You do not have to be a radio expert to join the communications network. REACT conducts radio training each Friday at 7:00 PM. To learn more about Flagler County Assist REACT visit the website at www.react4800.org
Steve Davidson will provide additional information on obtaining a Federal radio license. Please contact him directly at: sdavidson13@cfl.rr.com
Chip Howden is updating information to order Grand Haven CERT clothing.
The next CERT meeting is scheduled for April 14, 2021 at 2:00 PM.
Beginning in June CERT will hold monthly meeting through Hurricane season.
Adjournment: 3:00 PM